2 Plug Y Splitter Extender
List Price $5.00 Our Price: $2.00 You save $3.00!

This is a 2 plug splitter for our power inverters. This will work on all of our inverters. It will add 2 extra plugs. This is good to replace a damaged section of the inverter wire or to use on an inverter that has a limited number of plugs. Another great use for this is to use it as an extension. Sometimes you cant always mount the inverter near the gauges and this can extend the reach of the plugs allowing for a further reach without the hassle of rewiring a plug with a longer wire. When extended all the way straight these can reach an extra 6 to 7 inches. We also have available a 4 plug splitter, please see our inverters section. Please look at our other inverter options and make sure this is right for your application. INVERTER OPTIONS
4 Plug Y Splitter Extender
List Price $5.00 Our Price: $3.00 You save $2.00!

This is a 4 plug splitter for our power inverters. This will work on all of our inverters. It will add 4 extra plugs. This is good to replace a damaged section of the inverter wire or to use on an inverter that has a limited number of plugs. Another great use for this is to use it as an extension. Sometimes you cant always mount the inverter near the gauges and this can extend the reach of the plugs allowing for a further reach without the hassle of rewiring a plug with a longer wire. When extended all the way straight these can reach an extra 12 to 14 inches. We also have available a 2 plug splitter, please see our inverters section. Please look at our other inverter options and make sure this is right for your application. INVERTER OPTIONS
Small Inverter
List Price $12.99 Our Price: $9.99 On Sale Price $9.99 You save $3.00!

Our small inverter is designed to power our Illumiglo Gauges. These have enough power to glow a single face. It is usually used for our motorcycle models like the R1, R6 and GSXR's, but it will work for any application that needs only a small area to light up. If you have a Hayabusa, other larger bike, a car or a truck with multiple faces, this inverter will not work for you. Please look at our other inverter options and make sure this is right for your application. INVERTER OPTIONS
Medium Inverter
List Price $14.99 Our Price: $12.99 On Sale Price $12.99 You save $2.00!

Our Medium inverter is designed to power our Illumiglo Gauges. These have enough power to glow 2 or more faces. It is usually used for our motorcycle models, cars and trucks. This inverter should be used for those that do not need the controls found on our 6-color inverter. These are best used for our Reverse Style gauges that do not use the color change option. If you have a Hayabusa, other larger bike, car or a truck with multiple faces, where just the markings glow (Reverse Style) this inverter will work for you. Please look at our other inverter options and make sure this is right for your application. INVERTER OPTIONS
6-Color Inverter
List Price $26.99 Our Price: $20.99 On Sale Price $20.99 You save $6.00!

Our 6 color inverter is designed to power our Illumiglo Gauges for Motorcyles, Cars, Trucks and SUV's. The 6 colors you can switch in between are 3 shades of blue and 3 shades of green, when used on our standard or Halo style gauges. These have enough power to glow 2 or more gauge faces. It will work for any application that needs multiple face or a large area to light up. If you have a Hayabusa, other larger bike with multiple faces this is the inverter you need. This model inverter has a sealed switch that in meant to be inside the cab of a vehicle or on the outside of a motorcycle, and can last many years exposed to the elements. Please look at our other inverter options and make sure this is right for your application. INVERTER OPTIONS
2-Color Inverter
Our Price: $1,000,000,000,000.00

THIS ITEM HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED! The factory that made it for us no longer makes inverters, so we do not have access to get it any longer. This item has been replaced by our 6-color inverter. It does the same functions, but better as it is digital instead of analog and can make the gauges change 6 colors instead of 2 color. We have lowered the price of the 6-color to be comparable to what this item was. below is a link to our inverters section please choose the right one for your application. INVERTER OPTIONS